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Bio-Sustain is an all purpose natural liquid fertiliser and biofertiliser in one product. It contains nutrients extracted from organic compost & sugar cane molasses. It also contains highly specialised microbe cultures (beneficial soil bacteria & fungi). These microbes are formulated to rebuild soil structure and strengthen sustainability in soils. A biological environmentally sustainable natural soil solution.
Bio-Sustain works by providing the soil with billions of beneficial microorganisms which convert organic matter into usable NPK and minerals for the plants to use. The microorganisms continually work to restore the soil's natural nutrient cycle helping rebuild soil structure and sustainability.
Plants are unable to access nutrients from the soil without microbes. Microbes or beneficial bacteria and fungi consume organic matter and through a complex process and convert nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and all the many trace minerals into a form which plants use to grow. Over the last 50 years our soils have been depleted of these of beneficial microorganisms. Chemical inputs including Synthetic fertilizers and pesticides damage soil structure and destroy microbial life and the fragile ecosystem.
A one-off Bio-Sustain treatment will provide significant benefits, however regular applications produce best results. Unlike chemical fertilisers, Bio-Sustain can be applied all year round, even in winter and at the height of summer.
Bio-Sustain is taken up very effectively through foliage as well as through the soil. Foliage applications are the perfect solution for correcting any nutrient deficiency. A plant’s entire requirement for many trace elements may oden be supplied by one or two foliar applications. It also aids bud formation, promotes post-harvest plant recovery and improves sugar development (Brix). The use of both soil and foliage applications will yield optimum results.
For best results apply Bio-Sustain before 9am and after 4pm. Plant leaves have open stomates during these periods, hence, increased absorption efficiency during foliar application. Avoid applying when there is immediate rainfall and preferably out of direct sunlight.
Bio-Sustain can be used during seed bed preparation. This method speeds up dry mager breakdown turning it into usable nutrients, releases and dispels bound up chemicals in the soil and encourages a healthy build-up of microbial action in the soil.
There is little risk of plant damage due to high application rates of Bio-Sustain. Heavy applications of Bio-Sustain will result in more microorganisms in the soil and greater benefits to the plants.
Bio-Sustain is safe and very effective to use on all food crops both small vegetable gardens and large commercial crops. Bio-Sustain increases yields, promotes overall health and improves flavour and nutritional value. Bio-Sustain is a completely natural organic product. As with all plant nutrients though, wash fruit and vegetables before eating.
Bio-Sustain is an excellent tool for managing the use of synthetic fertilisers and chemicals. Application rates of Urea and NPK can effectively be reduced by 50% as the microorangisms in Bio-Sustain make the NPK more effective. Long term soil health benefits and sustainability would be better served without the use of chemicals.
Bio-Sustain is 100% environmentally safe and is the perfect solution for protected areas, waterways, rivers and lakes as there is no leaching or nutrient runoff. Bio-Sustain is a natural product and does not contain any chemicals.
Store out of direct sunlight and below 35°C (95°F). Always use clean containers for storage. Always mix Bio-Sustain with clean non-chlorinated water.
Bio-Sustain contains millions of beneficial microbes which populate in the soil. These microoganisms produce bioactive substances such as vitamins, hormones, enzymes, antioxidants and antibiotics that can directly or indirectly enhance plant growth and suppress disease. When Bio-Sustain is applied as a foliage spray the plant is enveloped with billions of beneficial microorganisms which colonise on the leaves helping to protect the plant from fungus agacks and disease.
The microbes are in a state of suspended animation, just waiting for a food source to wake up and begin working for you. Stored in a cool, dry location and out of direct sunlight they will be ready for you when you are ready for it.

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